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Ensignia 5.0 Released!

April 12, 2012Chris

Good news everyone, Ensignia 5.0 is now ready for download and purchase. The Ensignia 5.0 upgrade is free for all those still within their yearly upgrade period, so go ahead and give it a try. You’re going to want to upgrade to this latest version.

The upgrade from NutsMail 4.x to Ensignia is painless. Simply upload the new files and overwrite the old ones… done!

Ensignia 5.0 brings a lot of great interface upgrades:

Drag-and-drop for messages
Right click, context menus
Full UTF-8 language support
New themes (free for Enterprise customers)
Plus a horde of other updates, bug fixes and more. Take a look at the change log in the download.

You and your customers will be delighted with this new upgrade but don’t just take my word for it, try out our demo: ensigniamail.com/demo