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What’s on the NutsMail horizon

February 8, 2011Chris

A lot’s been happening recently in our NutsMail backyard. Besides launching the new website, and upgrading NutsMail to version 3.8.1, we released two new themes:

• LiteCube – our first RoundCube theme,

• iClassic Mobile – our first theme for mobile devices, which pioneers the way for NutsMail to be accessed from iPhones and Android smartphones.

And there are more things in the works. Soon we’ll have more RoundCube themes, more mobile NutsMail themes, and a completely new and revised version of NutsMail: 4.0.

The new version will feature an improved theming engine and more standard-compliant html code. We’re in the process of upgrading all of our themes so they can take full advantage of the new theming engine. Some of our older themes will benefit from a face-lift in the process and some new themes will be created as well.

So it’s certainly exciting to see how many new things are on the horizon. If you haven’t tried NutsMail yet, make sure to visit our new demo at:


If are already a NutsMail user and are interested in the new items we’re working on, drop us a note, and we’ll notify you when they are ready.