We receive many questions about how to make NutsMail work in local languages. Although SquirrelMail (and thus NutsMail) is translated into 158 languages, the translations aren’t included in the installation package. They need to be downloaded and installed separately. (Available here.)
The difficulty with localizing SquirrelMail is that it uses third-party plugins to enhance its functionality, for example, message details, preview pane, bookmarks, calendar, etc. But most of the published translation files only include the translation of the SquirrelMail core, not of the third-party plugins. So even if you get SquirrelMail (or NutsMail) working in your language, you will still see some English text here and there – the text created by the plugins which are not translated.
NutsMail comes with a number of third-party plugins enabled by default. This makes it a webmail solution that is feature-full right out-of-the-box. Unfortunately some of those plugins are not translated, which can make it difficult to fully localize NutsMail for those who don’t know how to create their own translation files.
To fill these gaps, we decided to build a repository of the missing SquirrelMail plugin translations. The translations will work in NutsMail and SquirrelMail alike, so the current SquirrelMail users will benefit from the new repository as well.
If you find that your NutsMail is missing translations in your language, and you’d like to see it fully localized, please let us know and we’ll send you the missing text to translate. When you send it back to us, we’ll compile it into the proper format and post it in our translation repository for download. This way you’ll be able to fully localize your NutsMail setup and contribute to the SquirrelMail community.
We hope this new project will be of help to many non-English NutsMail and SquirrelMail users!